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I'll Always Remember Podcast Episode 07 | Mending a Disjointed Relationship Between Father and Son

I'll Always Remember Podcast Episode 07 | Mending a Disjointed Relationship Between Father and Son

I talked to my uncle today and he told me the story of his father who passed not too long ago and the confusing relationship they shared. It’s a story much like the prodigal son but kind of in reverse where the dad leaves the family due to many contributing factors which we will get into that were frustrating, outlandish, and sometimes silly but caused his son and family or I should say families to believe that he was a bad man. Once the son decided to really learn about his dad as he became more frail and had lost his mental clarity, the understanding and compassion truly became the light that finally began to shine in the darkness that was their disjointed relationship.

Who was Mel? 1:53
Mel meeting his 3rd wife, Paul’s mom 12:07
Mel’s irrational mind 19:27
The disconnect that frustrated Mel his entire life 30:23
Paul’s patient mom 35:43

“Around this time he fell in love with the pastor’s wife in this bible study stuff in the seminary, and they kind of ran off together, each leaving their previous marriages. So you can add a bit of scandal to what this early part of his life had in it. The people left behind, you know, his children, I’m sure grew up feeling very abandoned by their dad.” 9:59

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